1. Types of Skateboards
  2. Longboards
  3. Downhill longboards

Downhill Longboards: Everything You Need to Know

This guide covers everything you need to know about downhill longboards, from the different types and designs to the safety precautions you need to take.

Downhill Longboards: Everything You Need to Know

Are you looking for an adrenaline-filled, thrilling ride? If so, downhill longboards might just be the perfect choice for you. With the right board and gear, you can take your skateboarding experience to the next level. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced rider, downhill longboards offer a unique and exciting way to hit the streets. In this article, we’ll explain everything you need to know about downhill longboards, from what they are to the essential gear you’ll need for a successful ride. Downhill longboards come in a variety of shapes, sizes and designs, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

The most popular types of downhill longboards are the drop-through, top-mount and drop-deck boards.

Drop-through boards

have a cutout in the middle of the board, allowing for a lower center of gravity and making it easier to push and turn. Top-mount boards are the traditional style of longboard, with the deck mounted on top of the trucks. These boards provide more stability, but require more effort to turn.

Drop-deck boards are similar to drop-throughs, but have a lowered deck that is closer to the ground. This allows for better turning, but less stability. The materials used in downhill longboards are important as they affect the board's weight, durability and performance. Most downhill longboards are made from a combination of hardwood and composite materials such as carbon fiber and fiberglass.

Hardwood is heavier but more durable and provides more grip, while composite materials are lighter and provide more speed. The components used in downhill longboards are also important. The trucks are usually wider than those used on traditional skateboards, providing increased stability and control. The wheels should be large and soft to provide better grip and shock absorption on rough surfaces.

The bearings should also be high quality as they will affect the board's speed and responsiveness. When choosing a downhill longboard, it is important to select one that is suited for your skill level. Beginners should look for boards with wider trucks and softer wheels for increased stability and control, while experienced riders may want to choose boards with narrower trucks and harder wheels for more speed and maneuverability. It is also important to consider the terrain you will be riding on, as some boards may be better suited for certain terrains than others.

Safety is an important consideration when riding a downhill longboard. It is recommended that riders wear helmets and other protective gear such as elbow and knee pads to reduce the risk of injury in case of an accident. It is also important to follow traffic rules and be aware of your surroundings at all times while riding. Maintaining a downhill longboard is important in order to keep it in good condition.

Cleaning the board regularly with a damp cloth will help remove dirt and debris that can build up over time. The bearings should also be lubricated periodically to ensure they run smoothly. Any worn or damaged parts should be replaced immediately to avoid further damage. When not in use, the board should be stored in a dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent fading or warping. Downhill longboarding technique is important for riders of all skill levels.

Basic techniques such as foot placement, pushing, turning, and braking should be mastered before attempting more advanced maneuvers such as sliding or carving. It is also important to adjust your speed for different terrains; faster speeds should be used on smoother surfaces while slower speeds should be used on rougher terrain. Downhill longboarding is a great way to meet other riders and participate in the larger skateboarding community. There are numerous events, competitions, and organizations dedicated to downhill longboarding that riders can join or support. These events are a great way to meet like-minded people and gain access to exclusive resources.

Types of Downhill Longboards

Downhill longboards come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each designed for a specific purpose.

Most downhill boards are symmetrical, meaning they are the same on both sides, but some have subtle differences. The most common types are freeride, downhill, and slalom longboards.

Freeride longboards

are designed for controlled slides and tricks. They typically have a moderate wheelbase and wide platform. The decks are usually symmetrical with kicktails at both ends, allowing you to ride switch (with either foot forward).

Downhill longboards

are designed for speed and stability.

The decks are usually slightly longer with a wider wheelbase and drop-through mounting. The wheelbase is longer than that of a freeride board, allowing for more stability when cornering at high speeds. The decks are usually asymmetrical with two kicktails on one end and none on the other.

Slalom longboards

are designed for tight turns and technical maneuvers. They have shorter wheelbases and narrower platforms than other downhill boards.

The decks are usually symmetrical with two kicktails on each end. Slalom boards are great for navigating tight turns at high speeds.

Downhill Longboarding Techniques

Downhill longboarding is all about speed and maneuverability, and mastering the techniques is key to having a safe and enjoyable ride. The basics of downhill longboarding techniques include pushing, pre-drifting, tucking, and carving.


Pushing is the most basic technique used in downhill longboarding and is used to gain speed and momentum.

To push, you place one foot on the board and the other on the ground, and then you push off with your foot on the ground, propelling yourself forward.
Pre-Drifting: Pre-drifting is a technique used to prepare for tight turns. To pre-drift, you lightly press your toes on the edges of your board to apply pressure and then quickly drag your heels in the opposite direction. This causes the board to drift slightly in that direction, giving you a better angle for turning.

Tucking: Tucking is a technique used to increase speed and reduce wind resistance. To tuck, you crouch down low and pull your arms in close to your body to make yourself as aerodynamic as possible. This will help you pick up speed quickly but can be dangerous if done at high speeds.
Carving: Carving is a technique used to make sharp turns while maintaining speed.

To carve, you lean into the turn with your body weight while applying pressure on the edges of your board with your feet. This will cause the board to carve through the turn while still allowing you to maintain speed.

Getting Involved in the Community

Getting involved in the downhill longboarding community is a great way to stay up-to-date on the latest advancements in the sport and find like-minded individuals to ride with. There are a variety of ways you can get involved in the downhill longboarding scene, from attending events and watching races to joining online forums and engaging in social media conversations. One of the best ways to get involved in the downhill longboarding community is to attend events.

Downhill longboarding events, such as races and competitions, are a great way to meet other riders and to get a first-hand view of the sport. Additionally, these events often feature vendors selling gear, giving you a chance to check out the latest equipment. Another great way to get involved in the downhill longboarding community is by joining online forums. These forums provide a platform where riders can share tips, ask questions, and connect with each other. Additionally, many of these forums host competitions, allowing you to take part in friendly competitions with other riders. Finally, engaging in social media conversations about downhill longboarding is another great way to stay up-to-date on the latest developments in the sport and find like-minded individuals.

By following downhill longboarding influencers and brands on social media, you can stay connected to the community and learn more about the sport.

Maintaining a Downhill Longboard

Downhill longboarding requires proper maintenance to ensure you have a safe and enjoyable experience. Here are some tips for maintaining your downhill longboard:Clean and lubricate the bearings: The bearings are the most important part of your downhill longboard, so they need to be properly maintained. Make sure to regularly clean and lubricate your bearings to keep them running smoothly. You should also inspect your bearings for any signs of damage or wear.

If they are not in good condition, you should replace them with new ones.

Check the wheels:

Another important part of maintaining a downhill longboard is checking the wheels. Make sure that they are in good condition and free from any debris or damage. If the wheels are worn down, you should replace them with new ones for optimal performance.

Check the trucks:

The trucks are the connection between the board and the wheels, so it's important to make sure they are in good condition. Check for any signs of wear or damage and make sure they are properly tightened.

If necessary, you should replace them with new ones.

Inspect the deck:

The deck is the main part of your downhill longboard, so it's important to make sure it is in good condition. Inspect it regularly for any signs of damage or wear and make sure it is properly tightened. If there are any cracks or other damage, you should replace the deck with a new one.

Store your downhill longboard properly:

When you're not using your downhill longboard, make sure to store it in a safe place away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. This will help keep it in good condition for longer.

Safety Precautions

When it comes to downhill longboarding, safety is of utmost importance.

Even the most experienced riders need to take certain precautions to ensure their safety. Before heading out on a downhill longboard ride, make sure you have the right protective gear. This includes a helmet, elbow and knee pads, and wrist guards. It is also important to wear loose-fitting clothing so that you can move freely while riding. It is also important to know your limits when it comes to downhill longboarding.

If you are a beginner, start with a smaller slope and gradually work your way up. As you gain experience, you can increase the speed and difficulty of your rides. But always remember to stay within your comfort zone. Other important safety precautions include checking your board for any damage before each ride and making sure your grip tape is in good condition. It is also important to be aware of your surroundings when riding downhill.

Be sure to look out for obstacles like rocks, branches, and other debris that can get in your way. Finally, remember to always stay visible when riding downhill. Wear brightly colored clothing and reflective gear so that you can be seen by other riders and motorists alike. Downhill longboarding can be an incredibly exciting and rewarding activity, allowing you to go faster and farther than ever before. However, it is important to always practice safety when downhill longboarding, no matter how experienced you are. Make sure to wear the proper safety gear and follow all safety precautions.

Additionally, getting involved in the longboarding community can be a great way to learn more about the sport, as well as meet like-minded people who share your passion. So, if you're looking for a thrilling way to experience skateboarding, look no further than downhill longboarding. With the right knowledge, skills, and safety gear, you'll be able to hit the slopes with confidence and enjoy the ride.